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Benefits of Group Therapy in Addiction Recovery

At Victory Recovery Partners, we recognize the importance of having our patients feel like they belong and are accepted. To further the feeling of being connected to each other, we offer group counseling as one of our methods for treating one’s addiction to drugs and alcohol. There are many benefits of group therapy that allow patients to discover that they are not alone. 

Sometimes during individual one-on-one sessions with a counselor, the patient may feel shy, embarrassed or hesitant to share their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Attending group therapy sessions can alleviate these feelings, because as the patient sees others sharing similar thoughts, feelings, and experiences, it can make the patient recognize that they have no reason to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. In our groups, we do not judge each other or form quick opinions. As the patients see others in the group opening up and sharing personal issues, experiences, or feelings, it allows all members of the group to feel safe, secure, and not judged.  

Another benefit of group therapy is that the patient begins to learn that they are not really that different from anyone else. We notice that our patients truly succeed when they attend groups regularly. By doing so, the patients form a sense of community with each other. They start to learn who their peers are, along with their situations, stories and history. This allows for patients to relate to each other and become more comfortable sharing experiences over time.  

As explained above, a sense of community and belonging occurs with regularly attending group therapy. As one battles drug addiction, they may feel lonely and alone. However, group therapy helps decrease feelings of isolation, because you are physically present with a group of other patients who are battling similar addictions. With current technology, such as Zoom, patients can even attend certain groups virtually from the comfort of their own homes. This provides additional options for patients to receive the benefits of group therapy. 

While attending group therapy, patients may notice that others are farther along in their recovery journeys than they are. This helps provide patients with a positive feeling as they look forward to their future progress. It is inspirational and motivational for patients to be in groups where others in the group are farther along. Learning from others during groups is a significant benefit of attending group therapy.  

It is important to note that not all groups are perfect for everyone. It may take a few tries to find your ideal groups. However, keeping an open mind and being willing to try different groups will help you along your road to recovery. For example, at Victory, we offer an art therapy group. While you may not consider yourself to be an artist or even skilled in that area, you may find that the group is still beneficial and useful for you. Being in a room with others who are in similar situations to you will help you progress and move forward with your recovery journey. 

For therapy (whether it be group or individual) to be effective, a patient must have the right bond and connection with their counselor. Each patient has their own unique personality and background, and as with one-on-one therapy, group therapy also involves finding that ideal match between the counselor and the patient. However, once the patient finds their ideal counselor and groups, they will be in a much better position to succeed.  

Group therapy is certainly important for one’s recovery journey to be successful. There are so many different types of groups that you can attend – such as a Women’s Group, or Art Therapy Group offered by Victory Recovery Partners. As explained above, it is important to keep an open mind with groups and be patient. During the first session, you may not know the other patients well, and you may feel intimidated and afraid to share your story. However, once you begin to attend groups regularly, you will feel more comfortable with your peers, and this will allow you to open up and share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to drugs and alcohol, we would like to help. Victory Recovery Partners offers a number of different groups that allow patients the opportunity to feel like they are part of a community that understands them. For more information on Victory, please visit our website  

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