Drug and Alcohol Use in the Workplace

When someone suffers from an addiction to drugs and alcohol, the addiction is a 24-hour, 7 days-per-week battle. Those who are suffering from an addiction often have substance use issues in the workplace, resulting in problems in the employee’s performance. You may be wondering how common drug and alcohol use really is in the workplace. It’s certainly more common than you would think – let's take a closer look.
Drug Abuse Survey
DrugAbuse.com conducted a survey that shows that 22.5% of employees admitted to using drugs and alcohol while at work. To further break this down, 1 out of 4 men admitted to using drugs or alcohol while at work, and 1 out of 5 women had used alcohol or drugs.
To dive deeper into the specifics of this, the survey revealed that over 1 out of 5 employees had admitted to using marijuana recreationally during work hours. 4.4% use daily, 4.3% use once or twice per month, 2.3% use only once or twice per year, 6.9% used once or twice ever, and 4.73% use weekly. The weekly statistic is certainly surprising, as it is at almost 5 percent. Some employers feel differently about this, in that some believe if the employee is productive and performing effectively, substance use isn’t a major concern. However, many employers certainly do feel that regardless of the employee’s performance (whether strong or weak), the employee should not be using drugs in the workplace. With that being said, the survey does reveal that over 77% of employees have never used marijuana recreationally while at work.
Alcohol – Most Common in Workplace
Specifically, as we break down the different substances that are used in the workplace, it is certainly not much of a surprise that alcohol was the most used substance among those who participated in the survey. In fact, a surprising number, 66% percent, of employees have admitted to using alcohol at least once during the workday. Additionally, marijuana was the second-most used substance, with over 22% of respondents claiming they have used the drug in the workplace.
Employers Must Be Supportive
It is important for employers to realize that the employees using the substances may be suffering from an addiction. While it is certainly not appropriate for employees to use substances while at work, the employers should recognize that their employees may need professional help to overcome their addictions. Those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol often experience other difficulties and hardships in their lives that lead to substance use. By seeking professional help, such as from an addiction and recovery center like Victory Recovery Partners, the employees can understand the root cause of their addictions. With proper help and support, the employees can overcome their addictions and lead productive lives.
However, the scenario described above does not reflect the situations of all employees. While there are certainly a high number of employees who use drugs and alcohol due to their addictions, there are also those who use drugs and alcohol irresponsibly for fun and as a way to be social. As these employees are not suffering with an addiction, they should have an easier time eliminating their drug use in the workplace.
The physical workplace location can also impact drug use. Since the COVID pandemic, many companies are allowing their employees to work remotely from home. While there are many employees who are responsible about their conduct, there is a higher risk of using drugs and alcohol while at home than at the office. This is not surprising, because employees who work from home do not have a physical supervisor or co-workers on site with them. They have less direct supervision, meaning it is easier to engage in drug use and hide the use from others.
Receiving Help for an Addiction
Drug and alcohol use in the workplace is an issue that deserves significant attention. Here at Victory, our patients who suffer from addictions know just how hard it is to abstain from using drugs and alcohol in the workplace. When you’re addicted to a substance, the addiction does not simply subside during working hours. For those suffering with an addiction, Victory would like to help. Our unique offerings, provided all under one roof, include psychiatric, wellness, behavioral health, and medication-assisted-treatment services. Together, these services are utilized to help our patients overcome their addictions and lead a healthier life. To learn more about us, visit our website, www.victoryrp.com