Drug, Substance Abuse, and Addiction Statistics for 2024

Drug use continues to remain a major issue in the US. With tens of millions of people expressing they have a substance use disorder, this issue is one that should not be overlooked. A shocking statistic is that in 2022, one out of four Americans over age 12 admitted they used illicit drugs. With that being said, there are a number of additional statistics that detail just how severe the drug crisis in America is.
Recent Survey Data from SAMHS
According to a recent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration survey, alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are the most commonly used drugs in America. However, there are a large number of users who use “harder” drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
As explained above, a surprising 25% of Americans over age 12 expressed that they used illegal drugs in 2022. In terms of numbers, that’s over 70 million people. Being that we work with the addiction/recovery population, we witness day-to-day the high rates of drug use here on Long Island, New York.
According to the survey referenced above from SAMHSA, marijuana has been noted as the most-used “illegal” drug. It is important to note that here in New York, marijuana is considered legal. Additionally, just over 3 percent of those taking the survey expressed that they used other illegal drugs (in addition to marijuana) within a month of taking the survey.
As for lifetime usage, 47% of those who took the survey expressed that they had used marijuana at least once in their life. This statistic puts marijuana as the most commonly used illicit drug among lifetime users. Hallucinogens were used by 17% of users at least once, and cocaine was used by 15% of users.
Most Used Drug in the US
However, the most used drug in the US is not surprising – it's alcohol. Shockingly, almost 22% of those who use alcohol reported that they had engaged in binge drinking just in the past month of taking the survey. Here at Victory, we help and treat significant numbers of individuals who suffer from alcohol addictions. Additionally, in the US, tobacco use is also alarmingly high, with approximately 17% of those who used tobacco in the past month expressing that they smoke cigarettes. Addictions to nicotine, a main ingredient in cigarettes, can cause serve damage to one’s health. Additionally, it is an extremely expensive habit – a single box of cigarettes can cost almost $15.
Deaths Due to Drug Use
Continued drug use can sadly eventually lead to death. Over 108,000 users died from drug-related deaths in 2022. However, over 100,000 of those deaths could have been prevented had the users received the proper help and treatment. The most common cause of drug-related deaths is opioid use. Here at Victory, we continually educate our staff and patients on the ways that opioid use deaths can be prevented. For example, our staff is educated about the benefits of Naloxone - a medication approved by the FDA that is used to reverse opioid use overdoses.
Victory Recovery Partners Can Help
Drug use in the US continues to rise, and it remains a major issue. The statistics expressed above indicate that millions of Americans are using illegal drugs, and unfortunately, many drug-related deaths occur annually. Here at Victory Recovery Partners, we treat individuals who suffer from substance use disorder. Our network of five outpatient addiction/recovery centers are unique in that we offer total care under one roof. This includes Medication-Assisted Treatment, Behavioral Health Services, Psychiatric Services and Wellness Services. Over the last few years, the rise in opioid use has increased in both New York and nationwide. Therefore, Victory now offers Methadone at our Farmingville location as a treatment for substance use disorder. To learn more about Victory, visit our website www.victoryrp.com