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Fentanyl and Its Role in Addiction

As a network of five addiction/recovery centers on Long Island, New York, we work with patients who suffer from many different forms of addiction. Drug and alcohol addictions continue to rise in America, and we see first-hand the devastating effects that this has on our patients and their families. One drug that has become much more prevalent is fentanyl. This drug is a synthetic opioid that is extremely powerful. In fact, although like morphine, it is 50 to 100 times more powerful.  Understanding what fentanyl is, along with the dangers associated with use, will allow you to see just how dangerous this drug really is.  

Fentanyl is a prescription drug that is commonly made and used illegally. It is like morphine, in that it is used to treat those who experience severe pain (such as after major surgery), or those who experience chronic pain. Widely available, fentanyl, along with similar synthetic opioids, account for the drugs that result in the most drug overdose deaths in America. This is a fact that must not be ignored – these deaths are preventable.  

Fentanyl use produces several effects for the user upon use. This includes extreme happiness, confusion, and sedation. Over time, one’s brain will become so used to the drug that it will take a higher dose to feel the effects and achieve the “high”. This is concerning because overdosing on fentanyl is extremely common, and highly likely. During an overdose, the users breathing can slow and stop. As a result of that, the amount of oxygen reaching the brain decreases. This can cause permanent damage to one’s brain, ultimately leading to death. This is so unfortunate because these deaths can be prevented. Here at Victory, we see the devastating effects that overdoses have on both the users and their families. 

Fentanyl overdoses, while certainly potentially deadly, can be caught in time to save the user’s life. At Victory, we continually educate our staff on what to do if there is a suspected overdose. Naloxone is a medication that when administered properly, can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. However, because fentanyl is so powerful, several doses of naloxone may be needed to reverse the effects of the overdose.  

Unfortunately, fentanyl is another drug that can cause addiction. Since fentanyl is extremely powerful, it is not surprising that a user can become addicted to it. Withdrawal symptoms, including sleep problems, severe cravings, and muscle and bone pain, are common withdrawal symptoms. To treat this addiction, Victory Recovery Partners provides several services that allow the user to recover at their own pace. A combination of medications, along with counseling (both group and individual), prove to be highly successful in combating one’s addiction to fentanyl.  

Fentanyl use is becoming more common in our society, and it is a fact that we must not ignore. The dangers associated with fentanyl use include slower breathing, ultimately leading to death due to a lack of oxygen. Many users overdose because they are unaware that fentanyl is mixed into their pills that are purchased on the street. By receiving treatments from professionals, such as those of Victory Recovery Partners, the users will be able to work through their addictions and ultimately overcome them.  

Victory Recovery Partners is a network of five addiction and recovery centers on Long Island, New York. We specialize in treating drug and alcohol addictions, allowing our patients to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. By providing total treatment under one roof, including behavioral health, medication-assisted treatment, psychiatric and wellness services, we are able to fully provide the services needed to help our patients succeed and recover. For more information on Victory Recovery Partners, visit our website  

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