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How Drug Addiction Affects Family Members

Victory Recovery Partners, a network of five addiction/recovery centers on Long Island, New York, specializes in treating patients who have substance use disorder and addictions to drugs and alcohol. Quite often, we notice that patients have family members that can also be affected by the patient’s substance use. For example, if a pregnant woman uses drugs, such as heroin, the babies can also develop an addiction. Let’s explore the ways that drug addiction can affect the loved ones of those who are battling substance use disorder and addiction. 

Victoria Richardson’s story is a real-life example of how addiction affects the entire family, rather than just the individual user. Victoria was battling substance use disorder and addiction for a very long time – even into her pregnancy. In fact, while five months pregnant, she was using heroin. Realizing that she needed to make a change to save both her life and the life of her unborn child, Victoria found help. 

Luckily for Victoria, she was able to find the proper help at a unique treatment center that is designed for treating pregnant women and mothers. Victoria overcame her addiction, and her one-year-old son is happy and healthy. It is too early to know how her son will develop as he becomes a young child, teenager, and then adult. Often, the children of parents who are actively addicted to drugs suffer from emotional, intellectual, and behavioral issues as they develop and enter adulthood. However, in Victoria’s case, it is a success that her child is healthy and thriving.  

There is a vicious cycle that occurs in families where drug use is prevalent. As explained above, many of those who battle substance use and addictions grew up and were raised in families where drug use was abundant and present. Children, at young ages, often model the behavior of their parents – that is exactly the case in Victoria’s situation. She grew up in a household where drug use was present, and she became addicted to drugs as an adult. As her drug addiction progressed and became worse, she would resort to any means possible to obtain the money needed to cover the costs of her addiction. As a result of this, Victoria would even engage in acts of prostitution. Once she found out she was pregnant, Victoria sought treatment and has overcome her addiction. The dangers associated with drug use during pregnancy cannot be overlooked. Babies can be born as stillborn, underweight, die as infants, and have continued health issues as they grow up and develop. Therefore, it was crucial that Victoria received help for her addiction.  

A significant contributing factor to Victoria’s success is that she used Methadone in a controlled and safe setting. Victory Recovery Partners has recognized the benefits of Methadone, which is now offered as a treatment for opioid use disorder at both our Farmingville and Shirley locations. By using Methadone, Victoria was able to safely overcome her addiction to heroin.  

In addition to affecting the children of the user, marriages can also be affected by substance use. If a partner is battling addiction, he or she may secretly spend large amounts of money to cover the costs of addiction. Also, the partner may lie and make it seem as though everything is fine. Changes in both mental and physical appearance can occur, causing a spouse to be concerned, anxious, and scared. As a result, one’s marriage can be put at risk due to addiction.  

Drug addiction and substance use disorder certainly affects more people than just the initial user. Pregnancies can become impacted, and children who witness their parents using drugs frequently model their behavior. Additionally, one’s marriage can be put at risk as a spouse tries to battle through an addiction. At Victory Recovery partners, we treat patients with substance use disorders and addictions. By providing total care under one roof, including behavioral health, wellness, medication-assisted treatment, and psychiatric services, we’re able to fully treat the patient, allowing for a total and complete recovery. As explained above, Methadone has proven to be a very successful treatment method for opioid user disorder. We now offer Methadone at our OTP clinics in Farmingville and Shirley, New York. For more information on Victory, please visit our website 

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