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National Addiction/Recovery Month – September 2024

Did you know that National Recovery Month is observed every September? National Recovery Month, which began in 1989, aims to promote and support new treatments in the field, and bring together the addiction / recovery community. This includes matching patients with their recovery counselors and providers (such as those at Victory Recovery Partners). Additionally, the goal of National Recovery Month is to put addiction recovery into the spotlight, providing the attention and care that it so truly deserves.  

During recovery month, there is an increased focus on the accomplishments made by those battling addiction and substance use disorders. The progress made by these individuals, through a combination of counseling, medication-based treatments, and their own hard work and dedication is celebrated. Through observance, the positive effects of behavioral health in treating addiction are reinforced. Here at Victory, we offer behavioral health services that truly make a difference in our patients’ lives.  

At any given time, there are both millions of Americans who suffer from addiction, as well as millions who have successfully recovered. During Recovery Month, we put the focus on those who have recovered, celebrating their achievements and telling their stories of recovery – to help inspire those millions of people who are still facing addiction. Therefore, every September there are thousands of addiction and substance use programs that observe recovery month. At Victory, we are hosting some special events this month – including a staff vs. patients kickball game!  

Part of the goal of Recovery Month, like the goal we share at Victory, is to provide education and awareness about what recovery is, who it affects, and how it affects that population. Throughout the month of September (and beyond), we hope to further educate others about substance use disorders and effective treatment methods, along with the guidance and support needed to make each and every patient know that recovery is possible.  

Each of us probably knows of someone who has battling addiction and substance use issues. Unfortunately, substance use has grown over the last 10 years in the US, and we are seeing a rise in deaths related to powerful drugs such as fentanyl. Therefore, during Recovery Month, it is our mission to provide the tools, resources, and education that is needed to help our patients recover.  

Within Recovery Month (September), is National Addiction Professionals Day. This will be celebrated on September 20th 2024. The goal of this day is to specifically provide recognition and appreciation for all those who make addiction/recovery possible for the millions of people battling addiction. This day will celebrate all of our Victory staff – from the providers, to counselors, our medical assistants/receptionists, and our corporate leadership team. Working together as a team provides the highest levels of success and accomplishments, which are then filtered down to our patients.  

Victory Recovery Partners has taken part in Recovery Month. We realize the importance of educating our patients and staff on the benefits of receiving proper treatment to overcome one’s addiction. By providing total and complete care under one roof – including behavioral health, medication-assisted treatment, psychiatric services, and wellness services, we put our patients into the best-possible situation to further their recovery. While Recovery Month is in September, we embody the principles associated with it each and every day of the year. For more information on how Victory Recovery Partners can help you, visit our website  

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