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Rebuilding Your Life After Addiction

At Victory Recovery Partners, a network of five addiction/recovery centers on Long Island, New York, we see first-hand how one’s addiction can lead to struggles in so many areas of one’s life. There is typically a strong connection between addiction and financial problems, and those suffering with addiction may feel lost, confused and unmotivated. Rebuilding your life post-addiction is certainly possible, however it takes time, patience and effort.  

It is important to note how addiction can affect many aspects of one’s daily life. For example, those who are addicted to substances like drugs and alcohol may experience issues at work, home and school. In addition to this, you may have problems with relationships involving friends and family, resulting in fractured relationships with those who you are closest to. In addition to relationship issues between friends and family, financial issues may arise such as missing payments on bills or credit cards, leading up to increased debt. As that is occurring, you may develop health issues, potentially leading to hospitalization. 

Addictions are generally very expensive. There are many factors that contribute to this, such as the high cost of the drugs and the health issues that may arise because of substance use. We see firsthand the extremely high cost of drugs and how it affects the lives of our patients. The health issues may lead to hospital stays, further contributing to the high costs associated with addiction. This can put a strain on your relationships with those closest to you, as your partner may be both concerned, scared, and frustrated with the financial issues that arise from addiction.  

As you begin to recover from your addiction, you may notice that your finances are simply not organized. An important first step in resolving this would be looking into your credit score to see if there is any fraudulent activity. Having a high credit score typically means you would have an easier time moving ahead with everyday life tasks such as renting an apartment, obtaining a loan, and ultimately paying lower insurance rates.  

There are many resources available to help you sort out these finances, including the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. The NFCC can work with you to find a counselor that can help you get your finances in order. One of the services offered is to help you with debt management plans. They will work with you to put your finances in order, allowing you to more easily pay back any loans or debts you may owe.  

An interesting statistic is that according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance use costs the US about $600 million per year. Receiving proper treatment can help our society as whole – including lower crime rates, more productivity at work, and an overall healthier society. 

A key to successfully rebuilding your life after addiction is to find a plan that works for you. This means considering outpatient services at an organization like Victory Recovery Partners. At Victory, we offer behavioral health, wellness, psychiatric, and medication-assisted treatment services, allowing our patients to receive total care under one roof. Our behavioral health counselors can work with you to help put you on the right path toward rebuilding your life. For example, you may have goals to find employment, find housing, or simply just become used to life again without any substance use.  

This may feel overwhelming – you may not know which area of your life you want to rebuild and fix first. However, it is important to note that there is no rush and no limit with regards to rebuilding your life. As things begin to fall into place, such as finding employment, repairing relationship issues with your spouse, friends, or other family members, and dealing with the stress of life in a more positive way, you will see how being sober and drug-free really is the most rewarding and enjoyable way to live. 

Rebuilding your life after addiction takes time, patience, and a positive attitude. There is certainly no reason to go through this alone, and at Victory, we provide the support and services needed to help you get on track to lead a positive and healthy life. As you begin to see just how enjoyable life can be being sober and drug free, you will naturally become even more motivated to succeed with your sobriety.  

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