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Tele Visits – Helping Patients Achieve Recovery During the Covid-19 Crisis

Tele Visits – Helping Patients Achieve Recovery During the Covid-19 Crisis


The Covid-19 “shut down” has adversely impacted everyone nationwide. Addiction treatment practices whose patients, staff, and their respective families have been forced to contend with severe disruption.

Unfortunately, addiction and dependency on substances don’t “shut down” or quarantine themselves from wreaking havoc on people’s lives.  Indeed, for most patients, stopping or even pausing their addiction treatment is simply not a viable option.


Some addiction treatment providers, including Victory Recovery Partners, have succeeded in offering continued services throughout the corona virus health pandemic using creative approaches to delivering care via telemedicine or so called Tele- Visits.  These Tele-Visits typically entail connecting patients with their physicians or counselors over a secure video feed on their smart phone, tablet, or computer.

All of the customary addiction treatment services remain available – just via Tele Visits instead of on a face-to-face basis.  For example, medication assisted treatment (MAT) prescriptions for suboxone and naltrexone are called in to pharmacies by physicians, as usual, for patient pick-up.  Even group counseling sessions can continue taking place using Zoom or similar video-conferencing services.  New substance use disorder patients are admitted into practices via ‘home inductions’ that likewise take place over Tele Visits.


 Tele- Visits have been applauded by patients and medical providers alike.  Patients continue receiving addiction treatment and progressing in their recovery, from the comfort of their home, while observing ‘social distancing’ protocols.

Indeed, some addiction treatment programs, like Victory, report that patient engagement has actually increased and missed appointments (or “no shows”) have declined substantially during the Covid-19 crisis because Tele- Visits remove obstacles patients often cite when they miss appointments, such as procuring transportation or arranging childcare.


The need for addiction treatment and mental health services is expected to increase dramatically as a result of the emotional and financial distress provoked by the health pandemic.   If you or someone you love is struggling with substance use disorder, let Victory Recovery Partners help.

Victory offers a comprehensive suite of services, including Medication Assisted Treatment (Suboxone, Sublocade, Vivitrol prescriptions), Psychiatric Services, Individual and Group Counseling, and Wellness.  Victory accepts all insurances (including Medicaid) and operates centers in Shirley, Massapequa, Farmingville, and Riverhead.

Visit our website today or call us at 631-696-HELP (4357).

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