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The Importance of Setting Goals During Addiction Recovery

At Victory Recovery Partners, a network of five addiction/recovery centers on Long Island, New York, we work with our patients to help them set goals that can make recovery attainable. Setting goals is important for many of us, even those not in recovery. It provides us with something to work towards, and a reason to be hopeful and excited for the future. Our experienced team of behavioral health professionals works one-on-one with our patients to help them establish goals for both during and after recovery.  

It is important to note that one’s recovery is ongoing. Even after obtaining sobriety, there may be urges to go back and start using again. By setting goals, both large and small, a sense of purpose and structure is formed.  

Setting goals allows the patient to boost their self-esteem. As a patient navigates through the difficulties of both addiction and their recovery, their confidence may be low. They may feel as though it’s simply too hard to overcome the addiction and lead a healthy, drug-free life. However, by setting attainable goals, the patient will feel a sense of accomplishment and pride upon achieving the goal, therefore boosting self-esteem.  

In addition to boosting one’s self-esteem, goal setting also encourages and allows for positive thinking. The key here is how the goal is worded- whether it be on paper or just in your own mind. For example, rather than saying “I am going to give up drinking completely”, a more positive thought would be, “Today I am going to continue with my recovery and make today a successful, accomplishment-filled day.” While setting long-term goals can be helpful, the initial day-by-day goals are the ones that will start to change a patient’s thoughts to become more positive.  

Building on this idea of forming positive thoughts, setting goals also allows the patient to feel like they have a sense of purpose – a reason to look forward to the future. As a patient begins to navigate through the recovery process, they may feel overwhelmed and possibly scared. After all, changing your habits and lifestyle is not an easy task for anybody. Creating goals allows the patient to feel like they belong – they have a reason to continue pushing forward to work towards a successful recovery.  

Setting goals also reminds the patient that recovery is an ongoing process. Even after obtaining sobriety, the patient may continue to have urges to use again. By creating a goal and saying, “I am going to do my best to not give in to the urges to use”, it allows the patient to feel as though they have something to work towards. It is also helpful to write these goals down, whether it be on paper or even as a note in your phone. By writing down the goal, you can physically read and review it each day, week, or however often you feel is beneficial. This keeps the goal fresh in your mind, allowing you to stay motivated. 

It is important to remember that goals should not be unrealistic. In fact, starting with smaller, more easily attainable goals may be best. By achieving these initial smaller goals first, the patient will be able to boost their confidence, allowing them to feel ready to achieve the long-term goals.  

If you are a patient suffering from substance use disorder and addiction, Victory Recovery Partners would like to help you. Our team of behavioral health professionals will work with you to establish the goals that can help you to overcome an addiction. At our five convenient locations on Long Island, including Massapequa Park, Shirley, Hempstead, Farmingville, and Hicksville, we provide total and complete care under one roof. This includes behavioral health, wellness, psychiatric, and medication-assisted treatment services. For more information on Victory Recovery Partners, visit our website  

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