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Vivitrol and its Role in Treating Addiction

At Victory Recovery Partners, a network of addiction recovery centers on Long Island, New York, we recognize the importance of having options when treating someone who is battling addiction. Specifically, when treating opioid addictions, we see that both methadone and vivitrol can help a patient to recover. While Methadone is widely covered in the news and even here on our previous blogs, another treatment method, Vivitrol, also helps patients to overcome their addictions to opioids and alcohol.  

Vivitrol is an FDA-approved treatment method that is used to help those battling both opioid and alcohol use disorders. It is actually an extended-release form of naltrexone, and its key to being successful is that it blocks opioid and alcohol receptors in the brain. By doing so, Vivitrol removes the feeling of pleasure when using alcohol or opioids.  

There are other options, as explained above, such as Methadone and Suboxone. While both of those options are also highly effective, a key difference here is that Vivitrol also treats alcohol addiction. Therefore, patients who are battling multiple addictions to opioids and alcohol may find that Vivitrol is a more “total-care approach”. Again, this varies on the individual patient. Here at Victory in Shirley and Farmingville, New York, we operate Methadone clinics which have proven to be a success in helping our patients. Ultimately, the form of treatment received, whether it be Vivitrol or Methadone, would be determined by assessing the individual patient’s needs. 

It should be noted that for a patient to benefit from Vivitrol, the patient would also attend behavioral health sessions and counseling with one of our experienced counselors. While medication-assisted treatment is highly effective, combining it with counseling proves to increase the chances of success for the patient.  

Vivitrol is administered as an injection by our providers, generally once per month. Note: the medication should never be injected by the patient. As with most medications, there can be side effects ranging from depression, to pneumonia, to allergic reactions. A user may also feel sleepiness and dizziness.  

Ultimately, the treatment method, such as Vivitrol or Methadone, that is best suited for the patient will vary depending on the patient’s situation and specific needs. At Victory, we recognize that having multiple options for our patients allows us to customize a treatment plan that will allow a patient to fully recover.  

Victory Recovery Partners, a network of five addiction/recovery centers on Long Island, New York, believes in a number of treatment methods to help patients overcome their addictions. Vivitrol, which is used to treat both opioid use disorder and alcohol addictions, has proven to be a successful treatment method for many of our patients. Again, some patients depending on their unique situations may choose another successful method such as Methadone, which we also administer at our Farmingville and Shirley Methadone clinics. Combined with behavioral health counseling, our patients are put in a position to fully recover, with a reduced risk for relapse. To further help our patients, we offer total and complete care under one roof, including behavioral health, psychiatric, wellness, and medication-assisted treatment services. For more information, please visit  

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