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You Should Not Go Through Recovery Alone

At Victory Recovery Partners, a network of five addiction/recovery centers on Long Island, New York, we provide total care under one roof. This approach includes offering behavioral health, wellness, psychiatric, and medication-assisted treatment services to our patients. We have learned that patients have a higher chance of success with their recovery when they receive counseling as part of their treatment plan. 

As a patient enters the recovery process, they may initially feel as though they can achieve sobriety without the help of professional counseling. However, over our years of experience helping thousands of patients, we express that counseling is key to overcoming an addiction or substance use disorder. Counseling allows the patient to get to the bottom of the issue – that is to uncover the underlying causes of addiction in a safe and judgement-free setting. At first, a patient may feel a bit uncomfortable about disclosing their personal issues to one of our behavioral health counselors. There are several reasons why a patient may not want to initially engage in counseling. Some examples include stigmas associated with addiction, and a fear of change – that is changing your daily routine and lifestyle habits.  

It is important to note that in today’s world, so much information and advice is available for free via apps, social media, and the news. We highly recommend that patients not seek advice from these sources, as it could negatively impact their recovery process. Additionally, seeking advice from family and friends may initially seem like a good idea – however, we recommend being cautious when it comes to receiving advice from those who are not behavioral health professionals. The advice you receive from our experienced team of behavioral health counselors is unbiased, whereas the advice from family and friends may be biased due to their relationship with you.  

The behavioral health counselors at Victory Recovery Partners are here to provide judgement-free advice and support. While it may be hard for you to share your initial feelings and thoughts – we understand this can be uncomfortable – forming a bond of trust with your counselor is crucial for a successful recovery.  

The benefits from counseling also carry over into the group setting. Our groups at Victory allow patients to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others who are going through something similar. This is very important, as it shows that you are not alone. Rather, you have support not just from your counselors, but from your peers, too.  

Another key element of why you should not go through the recovery process alone (without counseling) is that our team is highly experienced. We have successfully helped thousands of patients overcome their addiction and substance use disorders. As a result, we have learned what works, and what doesn’t work. Our experiences, and what we’ve learned from them, allow us to tailor and create unique treatment plans for our patients. With the right team behind you, we are confident that you can overcome your addiction, and lead a positive, healthy, and happy life. 

Victory Recovery Partners, a network of five addiction recovery centers on Long Island, New York, seeks to provide top level care to our patients. Our unique method of providing total and complete care under one roof ensures that our patients receive the best care needed to help them overcome their addictions. At Victory, we believe that the patient comes first, and everything else follows. This simple motto has contributed to our success, and our ability to make a listing impact in the world of addiction recovery.  

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