Sublocad Injections

Victory Recovery Partners
Addiction Recovery located in Hempstead, Farmingville, Shirley, Hicksville and Massapequa, NY
If you have an opioid addiction and you’re struggling to stay on the road to recovery, consider Sublocade® injections. When combined with counseling and healthy lifestyle changes, Sublocade injections can eliminate cravings and improve your quality of life. At Victory Recovery Partners in Hempstead, Farmingville, Shirley, Hicksville, and Massapequa, New York, the addiction recovery experts offer Sublocade injections to adults suffering from opioid use disorder. To make an appointment, call the nearest office or use the online booking feature today.
Sublocad injections Q & A
What are Sublocade injections?
Sublocade is a prescription medication that treats opioid addiction. It’s administered through an injection under your skin. Sublocade injections must be administered by a medical provider on-site at one of Victory Recovery Partners’ centers.
Sublocade contains a special preparation of buprenorphine.
Once injected deep into your skin, the medication releases buprenorphine into your bloodstream over a period of 28-30 days. As a result, you don’t have to worry about taking medication daily.
Sublocade minimizes withdrawal symptoms, relieves cravings, and makes it easier to stay focused and in recovery.
What does Sublocade injection treatment include?
Victory Recovery Partners administers Sublocade injections on an outpatient basis. To ensure positive treatment outcomes and reduce the risk of complications, Victory Recovery Partners administers Sublocade through the Sublocade Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program.
The REMS program requires patients to receive their injections from a qualified medical provider. During a Sublocade appointment, your provider injects a small syringe under the skin of your belly.
While taking Sublocade, Victory Recovery Partners recommends participating in its behavioral health program. Group or individual therapy can help you better understand the root causes of your substance use disorder and teach you skills to manage cravings and stay on the path to recovery.
Who is a candidate for Sublocade injections?
To receive Sublocade injections, you must first undergo induction treatment with oral buprenorphine, like Suboxone®. After you complete at least seven days of induction treatment, you can transition to Sublocade. Undergoing induction reduces the risk of opioid withdrawal and increases the likelihood of positive results.
How often do I need Sublocade injections?
If you qualify for Sublocade treatment, you visit Victory Recovery Partners once a month for a check-up and an injection.
How long do I need to get Sublocade injections?
The length of time you need to receive Sublocade injections depends on the severity of your addiction and its effect on your quality of life. Some people are able to wean off the medication after several years of counseling; others use it indefinitely. Victory Recovery Partners can monitor your treatment and make recommendations as things change.
To see if you qualify for Sublocade injections, make an appointment at Victory Recovery Partners by calling the nearest office or using the online booking feature today.